Mass at Vocal Cord

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Somsak Wankijcharoen, MD
Chirotchana Suchato, MD
Lergchai Varatorn, MD
Nidhi Chongchitnant, MD
Prasert Lertsanguansinchai, MD
Thassaporn Umpava


A79-year-old man man presented with hoarseness since 3 months, he was a heavy smoker for many years. Indirect laryngoscopy was unable to demonstrate the lesion. MRI-Diffusion Weighted pulse sequence at vocal  cord (Figure A) revealed localized hyper intensity (reversed image) at anterior one third of left vocal cord.1

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How to Cite
Wankijcharoen S, Suchato C, Varatorn L, Chongchitnant N, Lertsanguansinchai P, Umpava T. Mass at Vocal Cord. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2012 Feb. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];3(1):107. Available from:
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1. Mass CL, Mukherjee P. Diffusion MRT. Apply Radiology 2005;45-60.