Echocardiographic Parameters of Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Thalassemic Patients

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Annop Lekhakul, MD
O See, MD
Sukit Yamwong, MD
Suporn Chunchrunee, MD


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate pulmonary hypertension (PH) in asymptomatic thalassemic patients using echocardiographic right ventricular (RV) parameters.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study. We assessed 32 ambulatory asymptomatic thalassemia cases both clinically and using echocardiographic parameters. PH was observed in 13 (40%) patients.

RESULTS:Unpaired two tail t-test between groups show significant difference in RV echocardiographic parameter S’ (p = 0.03), E’ (p = 0.016) and Tricuspid valve (TV) E/E’ (p = 0.04). Other RV echocardiographic parameters such as the right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF), tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), A, and Tei index are insignificant.

CONCLUSION: PH was found in 40% of asymptomatic thalassemic patients. Of all echocardiographic RV parameters, we found that the tissue doppler imaging (TDI): S’, E’ and TV E/E’ are the best tools for screening. This tool detects early RV dysfunction in asymptomatic thalassemias with PH.

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How to Cite
Lekhakul A, See O, Yamwong S, Chunchrunee S. Echocardiographic Parameters of Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Thalassemic Patients. BKK Med J [internet]. 2014 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(1):7. available from:
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