The Development of Nurse Residency Program

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Rungarun Gaesawahong, RN, PhD (HRD)


OBJECTIVE: To study new graduate nurses’ work problems; to design training program courses as well as the experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of the courses after the nurses have been trained.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Studying work problems of new graduate nurses through a research survey. The questionnaires were given to the sample group of 168 new nurses who have at least one year of experience in a 200-bed size private hospital in the Bangkok area. The result of the survey led to the development of two training programs. They were the Nurse Residency Program (NRP) and Mentoring for new graduate nurses. The activities and teaching methods were on the job training (OJT) for 20 new graduate nurses and 20 mentors in intensive care units (ICU). The NRP was analyzed after one group was trained for pre-test, and post-test design as well as three months later. The mentoring program was analyzed for pre-test, and post-test design. T-test statistics were used for these programs.

RESULTS: The work problems of new graduate nurses were: 1) clinical knowledge competency for nurse’s notes; 2) nursing intervention for the procedure of intravenous administration; 3) anxiety adjustment; 4) and leadership and communication for lack of self-confidence to perform the task at hand. After the NRP training it was found that the clinical knowledge competency was significantly higher than before training and three months after training it was higher still except for the area of critical care nursing of gastrointestinal and endocrine patients as well as patients with shock. These remained the same. The competency of nursing interventions was found to be higher after training and after three months of training the competency was found to be higher than after training at the statistically significant level of 0.05. Anxiety adjustment before, after and after three months of training was not statistically different. The leadership and communication, before, after and after three months of training were not statistically different either. When the courses finished, there were 16 remaining new graduate nurses, and the retention rate was 80% in a year.

CONCLUSION: These training courses, the NRP and Mentoring program, were appropriate and suitable, and were successful in solving work problems faced by new graduate nurses.

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How to Cite
Gaesawahong R. The Development of Nurse Residency Program. BKK Med J [internet]. 2014 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(1):25. available from:
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