Tenosynovitis of Extensor Carpi Ulnaris with Formation of Rice Bodies

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K Arun Kuma, MS
RM Kannan, DNB
C Karthikeyan, MS
A Suchinder, MS
K Vijayaraj, MS


Formation of rice bodies in joints commonly occur in tuberculosis, rheumatic diseases and osteoarthritis. Sometimes rice bodies are found in synovial structures like tendon sheaths and periarticular bursa. Its occurrence always denotes the chronic state of the underlying disease. There are several hypotheses put forth to facilitate its etiology but there is no proof regarding its origin.1,2 Here we report a case where there was formation of rice bodies in the tenosynovium of extensor carpi ulnaris which healed completely after thorough surgical debridement.

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Kuma KA, Kannan R, Karthikeyan C, Suchinder A, Vijayaraj K. Tenosynovitis of Extensor Carpi Ulnaris with Formation of Rice Bodies. BKK Med J [internet]. 2014 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(1):71. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bkkmedj/article/view/219618
Case Report


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