The Significance of Vitamin D3

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C Viseskul, MD
Rergchai Varatorn, MD
Chirotchana Suchato, MD


In 1921,scientists discovered that sunlight helped strengthen bones and prevented Rickets in childhood and Osteomalacia in adulthood.1 Moreover, sunlight supported our bodies in creating vitamin D. Scientists also found that fish liver oil contains vitamin D. The United State (U.S.) has been supplementing vitamin D in milk and various foods since 1930, which has reduced the incidence of Rickets and Osteomalacia.

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How to Cite
Viseskul C, Varatorn R, Suchato C. The Significance of Vitamin D3. BKK Med J [internet]. 2014 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(1):83. available from:
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