The Benchmark between the NCQA Diabetes Recognition Program (DRP) and the JCI Condition-Specific Certification for DM Type 2 at the Bangkok Hospital Medical Center

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Sithiphol Chinnapongse, MD


Diabetes mellitus (DM) has become a major public health problem around the world. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) Diabetes Fact Sheet, this disease currently affects 347 million people worldwide. Due  to the increasing burden of diabetes patients, an excellent diabetes care center is needed to provide international standard quality care. To address this need, the Bangkok Hospital Medical Center (BMC)’s Diabetes Center applied for the Joint Commission International (JCI) Condition-Specific Certification (DCSC) Program for a DM Type 2 Pathway. The certification was awarded to the BMC in November 2011. Soon after, we achieved all the target performance indicators recommended by JCI, and we gradually added further performance indicators at our diabetes clinic. We are ready for re-certification this coming November 2014.

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How to Cite
Chinnapongse S. The Benchmark between the NCQA Diabetes Recognition Program (DRP) and the JCI Condition-Specific Certification for DM Type 2 at the Bangkok Hospital Medical Center. BKK Med J [internet]. 2014 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(1):96. available from:
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1. More information on JCI Certification for Clinical Care Programs,visit:http://www.jointcommissioninternational. org/CCPC-Certification/
2. More information on the National Committee for Quality Assurance, visit:
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4. National Committee for Quality Assurance. Diabetes Recognition Program (DRPX workshop handout. April 2011.
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