Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome Related to Varicella Infection: A Case Report
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A case report of Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (GCS) presents with fever and symmetrical monomorphous erythematous papules at face, buttocks and extremities. All lab tests were negative including mycoplasma, measles, herpes simplex and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) were negative except Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) study. Only C-reactive protein (CRP) was positive, a past history of chickenpox infection at 3 weeks of age, we presume that varicella infection may be attributed.
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Wannaprasert T, Werawatganon S, Treesirichod A. Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome Related to Varicella Infection: A Case Report. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2015 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];9(1):36. Available from:
Case Report
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2. Chuh AA. Diagnostic criteria for Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: a prospective case-control study for validity assessment. Cutis 2001;68:207-13.
3. Caputo R, Gelmetti C, Ermacora E, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: a retrospective analysis of 308 cases. J Am Acad Dermato l992;26:207-10.
4. Gianotti F. Report on a special case of toxic infection characterized by a desquamative erythemato-infiltrative eruption with lenticular foci and a selective localization at the extremities. Soc Ital Dermatol Sifilogr Sezioni Interprov Soc Ital Dermatol Sifilogr 1955;96:678-97.
5. Taïeb A, Plantin P, Du Pasquier P, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: a study of 26 cases. Br J Dermatol 1986; 115:49-59.
6. Brown J, Rentiers P. The Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: a distrinctive exanthem. Can Med Assoc J 1969; 100:773-4.
7. Brandt O, Abeck D, Gianotti R, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome. J AmAcad Dermatol 2006;54:136-45.
8. Conolly M, Junker AK, Chan KW, et al. Cranial neuropathy, polyneuropathy and thrombocytopenia with Epstein-Barr virus infection. Dev Med Child Neurol 1994;36:1010-5.
9. James WD, Odom RB, Hatch MH. Gianotti-Crosti-like eruption associated with coxsackievirus A-16 infection. J Am Acad Dermatol 1982;6:862-6.
10. Draelos ZK, Hansen RC, James WD. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome associated with infections other than hepatitis B.JAMA 1986;256:2386-8.
11. Tzeng GH, Hsu CY, Chen HC. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome associated with cytomegalovirus infection: report of one case. Zhonghua Min Guo Xiao Er Ke Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi 1995;36:139-41.
12. Berant M, Naveh Y, Weissman I. Papular acrodermatitis with cytomegalovirus hepatitis. Arch Dis Child 1983;58:1024-5.
13. Haki M, Tsuchida M, Kotsuji M, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome associated with cytomegalovirus antigenemia after bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Trans- plant 1997;20:691-3.
14. Carrascosa JM, Just M, Ribera M, et al. Papular acroder- matitis of childhood related to poxvirus and parvovirus B19 infection. Cutis 1998;61:265-7.
15. Léger F, Callens A, Machet MC. Parvovirus B19 primo- infection and cold agglutinins. Ann Dermatol Venereol 1997;124:257-9.
16. Boeck K, Mempel M, Schmidt T, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: clinical, serologic, and therapeutic data from nine children. Cutis 1998;62:271-4.
17. Hergueta Lendínez R, Pozo García L, Alejo García A, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome due to a mixed infection produced by the mumps virus and the parainfluenza virus type 2. An Esp Pediatr 1996;44:65-6.
18. Sagi EF, Linder N, Shouval D. Papular acrodermatitis of childhood associated with hepatitis A virus infection. Pediatr Dermatol 1985;3:31-3.
19. Pouillaude JM, Moulin G, Morlat C, et al. Gianotti-Crosti’s infantile papular acrodermatitis. Nosological relationship with viral hepatitis. A fatal outcome. Pediatric 1975; 30:351-60.
20. Di Lernia V. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome related to rotavirus infection. Pediatr Dermatol 1998;15:485-6.
21. Di Lernia V, Ricci C. Skin manifestations with rotavirus infections. Int J Dermatol 2006;45:759-61.
22. De la Torre C. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome following milkers’ nodules. Cutis 2004;74:316-8.
2. Chuh AA. Diagnostic criteria for Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: a prospective case-control study for validity assessment. Cutis 2001;68:207-13.
3. Caputo R, Gelmetti C, Ermacora E, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: a retrospective analysis of 308 cases. J Am Acad Dermato l992;26:207-10.
4. Gianotti F. Report on a special case of toxic infection characterized by a desquamative erythemato-infiltrative eruption with lenticular foci and a selective localization at the extremities. Soc Ital Dermatol Sifilogr Sezioni Interprov Soc Ital Dermatol Sifilogr 1955;96:678-97.
5. Taïeb A, Plantin P, Du Pasquier P, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: a study of 26 cases. Br J Dermatol 1986; 115:49-59.
6. Brown J, Rentiers P. The Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: a distrinctive exanthem. Can Med Assoc J 1969; 100:773-4.
7. Brandt O, Abeck D, Gianotti R, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome. J AmAcad Dermatol 2006;54:136-45.
8. Conolly M, Junker AK, Chan KW, et al. Cranial neuropathy, polyneuropathy and thrombocytopenia with Epstein-Barr virus infection. Dev Med Child Neurol 1994;36:1010-5.
9. James WD, Odom RB, Hatch MH. Gianotti-Crosti-like eruption associated with coxsackievirus A-16 infection. J Am Acad Dermatol 1982;6:862-6.
10. Draelos ZK, Hansen RC, James WD. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome associated with infections other than hepatitis B.JAMA 1986;256:2386-8.
11. Tzeng GH, Hsu CY, Chen HC. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome associated with cytomegalovirus infection: report of one case. Zhonghua Min Guo Xiao Er Ke Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi 1995;36:139-41.
12. Berant M, Naveh Y, Weissman I. Papular acrodermatitis with cytomegalovirus hepatitis. Arch Dis Child 1983;58:1024-5.
13. Haki M, Tsuchida M, Kotsuji M, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome associated with cytomegalovirus antigenemia after bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Trans- plant 1997;20:691-3.
14. Carrascosa JM, Just M, Ribera M, et al. Papular acroder- matitis of childhood related to poxvirus and parvovirus B19 infection. Cutis 1998;61:265-7.
15. Léger F, Callens A, Machet MC. Parvovirus B19 primo- infection and cold agglutinins. Ann Dermatol Venereol 1997;124:257-9.
16. Boeck K, Mempel M, Schmidt T, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: clinical, serologic, and therapeutic data from nine children. Cutis 1998;62:271-4.
17. Hergueta Lendínez R, Pozo García L, Alejo García A, et al. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome due to a mixed infection produced by the mumps virus and the parainfluenza virus type 2. An Esp Pediatr 1996;44:65-6.
18. Sagi EF, Linder N, Shouval D. Papular acrodermatitis of childhood associated with hepatitis A virus infection. Pediatr Dermatol 1985;3:31-3.
19. Pouillaude JM, Moulin G, Morlat C, et al. Gianotti-Crosti’s infantile papular acrodermatitis. Nosological relationship with viral hepatitis. A fatal outcome. Pediatric 1975; 30:351-60.
20. Di Lernia V. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome related to rotavirus infection. Pediatr Dermatol 1998;15:485-6.
21. Di Lernia V, Ricci C. Skin manifestations with rotavirus infections. Int J Dermatol 2006;45:759-61.
22. De la Torre C. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome following milkers’ nodules. Cutis 2004;74:316-8.