Effect of Lifestyle Modification Program with Arm Swing Exercise on Health Behavior, Nutritional Status and Capillary Blood Sugar of Persons with Pre-diabetes in the Community

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Ratchanok Phonyiam, RN, BNS
Sangthong Terathongkum, RN, PhD
Somyong Thungsarn, RN, BNS
SakdaArj-ong Vallipakorn, MD


OBJECTIVES: This quasi-experimental research was conducted to assess the effect oflifestyle modifi cation program with arm swing exercise on health behavior, nutritionalstatus and capillary blood sugar of pre-diabetes in the community.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The participants selected according to the inclusioncriteria, were 28 pre-diabetes participants who received lifestyle modifi cation programswith arm swing exercise for 8 weeks. Data were collected twice, before and immediatelyafter the intervention, using the health behavior questionnaire (HBQ), nutritionalstatus, including waist circumference, and body mass index, and capillary blood sugar.Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t-tests.

RESULTS: After receiving the lifestyle modifi cation program with arm swing exercise,the participants showed signifi cant improvement of health behavior specially foodconsumption and stress management aspect as compared to before the program(p < 0.05), but waist circumference, body mass index, and capillary blood sugar werenot signifi cantly different.

CONCLUSION: The lifestyle modifi cation program with arm swing exercise helps indeveloping better health behaviors and nutritional status. Therefore, this programshould be applied to persons with pre-diabetes to prevent diabetes and there sh

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How to Cite
Phonyiam R, Terathongkum S, Thungsarn S, Vallipakorn S- ong. Effect of Lifestyle Modification Program with Arm Swing Exercise on Health Behavior, Nutritional Status and Capillary Blood Sugar of Persons with Pre-diabetes in the Community. BKK Med J [internet]. 2019 Oct. 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 24];10(1):16. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bkkmedj/article/view/221124
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