Coronary Slow Flow Phenomenon: A Case Report

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Gumpanart Veerakul, MD
Machima Ounpothi, RN
Natharinee Satheeranate, BSc
Jutharat Waramit, RN
Amonrat Sangwan, RN
Unchalee Sindhuwanna, RN, RCI
Tunyathorn Kawkaew, RN, RCIS
Adiporn Khengrang, RN, RCIS


Angina pectoris and abnormally slow contrast propagation into the unobstructed coronary artery, the so-called coronary slow flow (CSF) phenomenon was first recognized four decades ago but the etiology remained unclear. We reported a case of CSF phenomenon presenting with acute coronary syndrome in a middle-aged man who had multiple coronary risk factors. Intracoronary ultrasound revealed no significant plaque burden in related epicardial arteries. The pathogenic mechanisms of small artery disease and the role of endothelial dysfunction are discussed and relevant literature has been reviewed.

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Veerakul G, Ounpothi M, Satheeranate N, Waramit J, Sangwan A, Sindhuwanna U, Kawkaew T, Khengrang A. Coronary Slow Flow Phenomenon: A Case Report. BKK Med J [internet]. 2015 Sep. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];10(1):22. available from:
Case Report


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