The Burden of Caregivers due to Stroke Patients Living at Home: Integrative Review

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Piyarat Chonsin
Puangpaka Kongvattananon
Chomchuen Somprasert


An integrative review is an internationally accepted approach that is often used foridentifying, analyzing, reporting, interpreting and drawing the theme conclusions frommultiple studies. This study aimed to synthesize perspectives of the burden upon strokecaregivers. Data were collected from international databases. Qualitative studiesreported the perceptions of the caregivers in caring for persons who had suffered a stroke.The search was limited to the English language; journal articles; age groups includedall adults; quantitative studies or irrelevant articles were excluded. Eight articles relevantto the objective were included. The identified data were extracted from the results in theeight relevant sections and then ATLAS.ti 8 Software was used for the analysis of thequalitative studies. The results of this study were synthesized into three main themes:(1) the level of the caregiver burden; (2) the environmental factors of the burden, and(3) the related illnesses from the burden. Conclusion: The integrative review of qualitativestudies about the burden endured by stroke caregivers arranged unique insights into thestroke caregiver perceptions and extracted their expressions of behavior into three themesabout the burden. These findings could serve as a basis for creating a program to reducethe burden of stroke caregivers.

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How to Cite
Chonsin P, Kongvattananon P, Somprasert C. The Burden of Caregivers due to Stroke Patients Living at Home: Integrative Review. BKK Med J [internet]. 2017 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];13(2):81. available from:
Case Report


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