Acute Anterior Uveitis

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Yupin Leelachaikul


A 36-year old female presents with acute (recurrent) anterior uveitis in the right eye, HLA-B27 positive. She has ahistory of bilateral recurrent non-granulomatous uveitis attacks since 2011, but she has no extraocular manifestation ofautoimmune disease. She has typical signs of acute anterior uveitis (the ciliary conjunctival injection, hypopyon leveland fibrin reaction at pupillary area as in Fig. A.). Fig. B shows signs of previous uveitic attack in the same eye as Fig.A (residual fibrin on the anterior lens surface is visible on slit lamp examination after pupillary dilatation). This case requirestreatment of combined periocular steroids injection and topical steroids plus cycloplegics to control the inflammation.

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How to Cite
Leelachaikul Y. Acute Anterior Uveitis. BKK Med J [internet]. 2017 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];13(2):99. available from:
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