Quality of life and Illness of Silicosis Patients

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Krittin Silanun, MD, PhD
Wisree Wayurakul, MD, MHSc
Werawut Pattanaworapong, MD
Kriengsak Mungtoklang, BPH


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the quality of life (QOL) and illness among silicosis patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted among 125 silicosis patients aged between 29-79 years old. Four different tools were used in the study these included WHOQOL-BREF-THAI, Suanprung Stress Test-20 (SPST-20), peak flow metre and depth interview with the method of Feeling, Idea, Function, and Expectation (FIFE).

RESULTS: Approximately 80% of the silicosis patients can live life at a moderate to poor quality of life, and 83.2% of the silicosis patients had abnormal PEFR. In-depth interviews implemented with FIFE methods revealed that most of the silicosis patients are aware that silicosis is incurable but preventable. Additionally, it was known among workers that changing occupation might be necessary when diagnosed with the disease. Annual chest x-rays and medical checkup by physicians are considered to be the most practiced for silicosis patients. The relation between %PEFR and QOL showed low correlation (r = 0.05). In addition, the relation between %PEFR and stress level also showed low correlation (r = 0.07).

CONCLUSION: Four different tools may be considered to monitor silicosis amongst workers through home visits carried out by the residents’ local health assistants or nurses.

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How to Cite
Silanun, MD, PhD K, Wayurakul, MD, MHSc W, Pattanaworapong, MD W, Mungtoklang, BPH K. Quality of life and Illness of Silicosis Patients. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 25 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];16(2):158. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bkkmedj/article/view/242383
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