Solitary Lung Nodule Localization using Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy with Fiducial Marker Placement and Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery: A Case Report

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sawang saenghirunvattana, M.D
Padungkiat Tangpiroontham
Pat Saenghirunvattana


The detection of a solitary lung nodule through radiological technique can determine the patients’ prognosis, it can be easily accessed and is visible for surgeons to perform the operation with ease, safety and fewer complications. The authors wish to present two cases of solitary lung nodule successfully managed through wedge resection with the aid of fiducial marker placement. These cases successfully underwent fiducial marker placement with dye marking through electromagnetic bronchoscopy prior to the surgical procedure to resect the solitary lung nodule to determine nature of diagnosis. Both cases underwent frozen section procedure which revealed 1 case of adenocarcinoma and 1 case of granuloma.

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How to Cite
saenghirunvattana, M.D sawang, Tangpiroontham P, Saenghirunvattana P. Solitary Lung Nodule Localization using Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy with Fiducial Marker Placement and Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery: A Case Report. BKK Med J [internet]. 2020 Sep. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];16(2):219. available from:
Case Report


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