A Concept Analysis: Caregivers’ burden of Elderly Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease

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Onuma kaewkerd,RN, PhD
Jirawan Silaudom, RN, Bsc
Benjayamas Pilayon, RN, PhD
Pipatpong Kempanya, RN, MSN
Vasinbhath Piyapongsakul, RN MSN
Piamsak Tanukit, RN MSN
Chinnakorn Dankasai, RN MSN
Nuttiya Prommasaka Na Sakonnakhon, RN MSN
Chadarat Kaewviengdach, RN, MNS
Vipawan Sehakom, RN, MNS
Pharichat Sanrang, RN
Jirutchaya Tonsawan,RN


The purpose of a concept analysis of caregivers’ burden is to identify this in formal and informal caregivers to provide improved care to elderly adults with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and to reduce the burden of caregiving. The concept analysis proposed was conducted by Walker and Avant’s eight-step method. The search was performed in December 2016. Four databases were included: CINAHL, EBSCO Host, Google Scholar, and Science Direct. The outcome of the search was five areas found overall: nursing, gerontology, medical, public health, and psychological. Exclusion criteria included editorials and duplication in each database. Finally, 24 papers were used for analysis in the concept of “caregiver burden in caregivers of elderly adults with AD”. The result of the concept analysis has three attributes including physical and psychological problems, family function, and social support.

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How to Cite
kaewkerd,RN, PhD O, Silaudom, RN, Bsc J, Pilayon, RN, PhD B, Kempanya, RN, MSN P, Piyapongsakul, RN MSN V, Tanukit, RN MSN P, Dankasai, RN MSN C, Na Sakonnakhon, RN MSN NP, Kaewviengdach, RN, MNS C, Sehakom, RN, MNS V, Sanrang, RN P, Tonsawan,RN J. A Concept Analysis: Caregivers’ burden of Elderly Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease. BKK Med J [internet]. 2021 Sep. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];17(2):155. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bkkmedj/article/view/249821
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