Is silicosis still underdiagnosed?

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Sirawit Stitsmith,MD
Narongpon Dumavibhat, MD, PhD
Charubongse Brohmwitak, MD
Sitthiphon Bunman, PhD
Apinut Jaroonpipatkul, MD
Thanaporn Panomsak
Kawintra Khantharot, MD
Arunee Pholngam, RN


Silicosis, a long-standing occupational lung disease, is still a worldwide health problem. Although many international organizations lead the effort to eliminate this incurable disease, there are newly reported cases continuously. Primary prevention is crucial. If the best resolution is not perfectly implemented, secondary prevention, including early diagnosis of silicosis is essential. However, there is still the problem of underdiagnosis which results in patients continuing working leading to disease progression. The authors present three underdiagnosed cases of employees working in the same company. It is hoped the present study may lead to the improvement of silicosis prevention in the country.

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How to Cite
Stitsmith,MD S, Dumavibhat, MD, PhD N, Brohmwitak, MD C, Bunman, PhD S, Jaroonpipatkul, MD A, Panomsak T, Khantharot, MD K, Pholngam, RN A. Is silicosis still underdiagnosed?. BKK Med J [internet]. 2021 Sep. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];17(2):142. available from:
Case Report


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