Experience in the Cohort Intermediate Care Unit Arrangement and Nursing management of patients with COVID-19 at Bangkok Hospital Headquarters

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Chutikan Suwalapha, RN, MBA
Thitaree Yongprawat
Wirongrong Charoengid, RN, MNS
Pornpimol Laongam, RN, MBA


OBJECTIVES: To share experiences for the Cohort Intermediate Care Unit (IMCU) setup description. It also involves the focusing on integrated nursing care in collaboration with Multi-professional team to improve patient outcomes.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We collected and searched many articles from the published medical literature that reported standard protocols for the IMCU and nursing management of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). This study was a collection of data from COVID-19 patients who were confirmed cases with positive real time-PCR test results. They were receiving treatment and admitted at Bangkok Hospital Headquarters (BHQ) from May 1st- June 30th, 2021. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the results in frequency, percentage and mean. We compared the average number of days for COVID-19 patients stay between two groups. A confidence interval (CI) was used to explain a different sample proportion and a different interval of hospital mortality rate.

RESULT: Among 122 COVID-19 patients, 41 (33.6%) patients were admitted to the Cohort IMCU. The average length of stay (LoS) was 5.1 days, with minimum 1 day and maximum 15 days. Three quarter of them (31/41, 75.6%) had clinical improvement and were transferred to Cohort ward, while a quarter (10/41, 24.4%) had experienced clinical deterioration and were transferred to intensive care unit (ICU). Mortality rate of this group was 4.9% (95%CI -1.7, 11.5). During the same time period, 81 COVID-19 patients were directly transferred to ICU. The average LoS in ICU of 6.2 days. Among them, 8 of 81 patients did not survive. As a result, mortality rate among this group was 9.9% (95%CI 3.4, 16.4).

CONCLUSION: In our experience, the Cohort IMCU can reduce mortality rate of the COVID-19 patients and proper management also decrease crowding of ICU.

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How to Cite
Suwalapha, RN, MBA C, Yongprawat T, Charoengid, RN, MNS W, Laongam, RN, MBA P. Experience in the Cohort Intermediate Care Unit Arrangement and Nursing management of patients with COVID-19 at Bangkok Hospital Headquarters. BKK Med J [internet]. 2021 Sep. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];17(2):161. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bkkmedj/article/view/252297
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