Balance of Family Caring in Families with Chronically Ill Children: A Concept Analysis

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Nedruetai Punaglom


The concept of balance of family caring was expected to emerge as a vital issue in families with chronically ill children. However, it was unclear to clarify understanding about the scope of this concept. This study aimed to identify the balance of family caring in families with chronically ill children. Walker and Avant’s eight-step method was employed to conduct this study comprising selecting a concept, determining the purposes, uses of the concept, defining attributes, identification of a model, borderline, related and contrary cases, antecedents and consequences, the definition of empirical referents. The search was performed in September 2018. Five databases were included: CIHAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Academic Search Premier, and EBSCO Host. Ten articles were used for analysis. The actual attributes were composed of the balances between working outside and providing home-based care, potential hope and despair, caring for a sick child and practicing self-care, and balancing caring style. The antecedents, namely family characteristics, family stress, and family coping skills were identified in this study. The consequences composed of effective family functioning, improved family well-being, and children’s quality of life. In conclusion, this concept can be applied for developing effective care for children with chronic illnesses.

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How to Cite
Punaglom N. Balance of Family Caring in Families with Chronically Ill Children: A Concept Analysis. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];18(1):40. Available from:
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