Health Literacy Among Individuals Living with HIV

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Sitthiphon Bunman, PhD
Prakasit Wannapaschaiyong, MD
Sonthaya Saiyasalee, Msc
Kitikorn Pornma, MNS


Health literacy is essential, especially among people living with HIV. Health outcomes of good health literacy are increased CD4, decreased VL, and include OIs. The factors associated with health literacy among people living with HIV are essential for clinical outcomes, such as gender, age, and race. Three instruments to assess health literacy among people living with HIV/AIDS have been developed. The brief estimate of health knowledge and action HIV version (BEHKA-HIV) is the most popular health literacy assessment. However, the BEHKA-HIV assessment is currently available in English only.

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Bunman, PhD S, Wannapaschaiyong, MD P, Saiyasalee, Msc S, Pornma, MNS K. Health Literacy Among Individuals Living with HIV. BKK Med J [internet]. 2022 Feb. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];18(1):65. available from:
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