Agreement of BDMS Utilization Review Technology Version 2 (BURT 2)in Comparison with Utilization Management (UM) Physicians’Opinions to Assess Appropriateness of Continuation of Hospital Stay

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Piemchok Banomyong
Noppadol Phengpinit
Saowarot Iamsamang
Kusuma Phetchunsakul
Jinhatha Panyasorn


OBJECTIVES: This study aims to find the agreement between the Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS) Utilization Review Technology Version 2 (BURT2), an artificial intelligence (AI) driven application, and Utilization Management (UM) physicians’ opinions to assess appropriateness of continuation of hospital stay.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study gathered de-identified patients’ data from the Health Information System (HIS) of a network hospital of BDMS. The study included patients’ data admitted in December 2021. A sample size, calculated from all data, was 274 cases.Inclusion criteria were patients with age more than 3 months and length of stay (LoS) of not more than 7 days (LoS ≤ 7 days). All data were processed by BURT 2 to predict the appropriateness of continuation of hospital stay of patients at each admission day. BURT 2 is an AI application specially developed to classify admitted cases on appropriateness for continuation of hospital stay. The application employed convolution neural network (CNN)and natural language processing (NLP) techniques on top of a rule-based algorithm, similar to its predecessor BURT 1. Outputs from BURT 2 were compared with UM Physicians’ opinions. BURT 2 was trained until the agreement or accuracy reached 90%.

RESULTS: Among 274 cases, of which 45.3% were male, 53.3% were diagnosed as simple diseases, the majority (42.7%) received services at Internal Medicine Unit. Almost all of cases (95.3%) stayed in hospital for less than four days. The comparison between BURT 2 outputs and UM Physicians’ opinions on the appropriateness of continuation of hospital stay in 274 cases showed an agreement of 96%, with 95% sensitivity, 96%specificity, 95% positive predictive value (PPV) and 97% negative predictive value (NPV).

CONCLUSION: BURT 2 had adequate agreement for predicting an appropriateness of continuation of hospital stay. It enabled an initial screening of appropriate continuation of hospital stay, increasing UM nurse work effectiveness, reducing an inappropriate continuation of hospital stay and reducing medical expenses from an inappropriate admission.

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How to Cite
Banomyong P, Phengpinit N, Iamsamang S, Phetchunsakul K, Panyasorn J. Agreement of BDMS Utilization Review Technology Version 2 (BURT 2)in Comparison with Utilization Management (UM) Physicians’Opinions to Assess Appropriateness of Continuation of Hospital Stay. BKK Med J [internet]. 2022 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];18(2):88. available from:
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