The Study of Relationship between Burnout Symptoms and International Labour Organization Occupational Groups among Hospital Workers of a Private Hospital in Rayong Province.

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Kawalee Sadangrit,MD
Srirat Lormphongs


OBJECTIVES: To study the relationship between burnout symptoms and International Labour Organization (ILO) occupational groups among hospital workers of a private hospital in Rayong province. Burnout symptoms are included in the Eleventh Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an “occupational phenomenon” defined as: “Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions: Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Low Personal Accomplishment. Burnout symptoms can affect an individual’s physical and psychological perception, but this phenomenon can be prevented.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The population of the study consisted of 913 hospital workers. The data obtained from questionnaires completed by research participants were collected via electronic system over 2 weeks. Every hospital worker completed the questionnaire, results were classified by ILO Data analysis using descriptive statistic and regression analysis. RESULTS: Most of the hospital workers were female, aged 25-44 years old, non smokers, exercising 1-3 times a week, have worked in hospital around 1-5 years, all full-time employees working 41-50 hours per week. The occupational group codes of the three highest numbers of the study population were 322 [modern health associate professionals (except nursing)], 223 (nursing and midwifery professionals) and 123 (departmental managers) at a ratio of 39.21%, 29.24%, and 7.01%, respectively. The relationship between burnout symptoms and ILO occupational groups among hospital workers was not statistically significant.

CONCLUSION: This study proposes we better communicate, promote health and well-being in hospital workers. Recommendations for the corporate workplace are to promote health promotion programs, education about work-life balance, sleep hygiene, and basic stress management to create an effective and happy workplace.

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How to Cite
Sadangrit,MD K, Lormphongs S. The Study of Relationship between Burnout Symptoms and International Labour Organization Occupational Groups among Hospital Workers of a Private Hospital in Rayong Province. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 28 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];19(1):1. Available from:
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