Treatment Outcomes of Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients in Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (TOACS-BDMS)

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Kriengkrai hengrussamee,MD
Damras Tresukosol
Rapin Kukreja
Wichai Jiraroj-Ungkun
Pradub Sukhum


OBJECTIVES: The research team analyzed an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) registry from a private hospital group in Thailand. We aimed to analyze patients’ characteristics, treatment outcomes in ACS patients and compare the outcomes between ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (STE-ACS) and non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a multi-centered, retrospective review of an ACS registry with seven participating hospitals carried out between January 2017 to December 2020. Web-based data entry was used, and the data were centrally managed and analyzed.

RESULTS: A total of 2,024 ACS patients were included. Of these, patients were predominantly male (81.07%), NSTE-ACS 52.17% and the mean age was 62.27 ± 13.08 years. Diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension (HT), dyslipidemia, and current smokers were observed in 25.24%,54.89%,46.64% and 30.38%, respectively. Reperfusion rate in STE-ACS was 93.20 % and 73.80% was primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). STE-ACS patients were significantly younger (59.03 ± 12.27 vs. 65.24 ± 13.09 years),more current smokers (39.77% vs. 21.78%), more cardiogenic shock (15.28%vs. 3.03%) and more cardiac arrest before reperfusion therapy (9.71% vs.1.79%). Meanwhile, NSTE-ACS patients presented significantly more DM(30.58% vs. 19.42%), HT (62.40% vs.46.69%), and dyslipidemia (53.78%vs.38.84%). In-hospital mortality rate was 2.91% and significantly higher in STE-ACS (STE-ACS 4.95% vs. NSTE-ACS 1.04%).

CONCLUSION: Treatment outcomes of ACS patients in Bangkok Dusit Medical Services revealed high reperfusion rate and resulted in low inhospital mortality rate. STE-ACS patients were more severe and with a higher mortality rate compared to NSTE-ACS patients.

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How to Cite
hengrussamee,MD K, Tresukosol D, Kukreja R, Jiraroj-Ungkun W, Sukhum P. Treatment Outcomes of Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients in Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (TOACS-BDMS). BKK Med J [internet]. 2023 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];19(1):22. available from:
Original Article


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