The Influence of Knowledge Management, Safety Climate, and Information Technology Capabilities on a Smart Emergency Logistics System: A Study of BDMS Emergency Services

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Kritwaroj Patchetphokin
Prayong Meechaisue
Norapol Chinuntdej
Donya Chaimongkol


OBJECTIVES: This research is to study a causal relationship model of knowledge management (KM), safety climate (SCL), and information technology capabilities (ITC) that affect the smart emergency logistics system (SELS) at the emergency services network at Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited (BDMS).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This research used the mixed-methods research technique: starting first with a qualitative research approach, via in-depth interviews with senior executives, managers, employees, and specialists in emergency services, totaling 16 people, and; by collecting a questionnaire completed by 378 people at EMS-BDMS. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with structural equation modeling.

RESULTS: From the study, it was found that KM, SC, and ITC had a positive influence on SELS. The analysis of the structural equation model found that it was in line with the empirical data and scored at a good level. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient confidential score was between 0.82 - 0.94.

CONCLUSION: This research shows that the development and mobilization of emergency care with KM, SCL, and ITC as SELS forms an innovative model (Kritwaroj Model) of the SELS. 

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How to Cite
Patchetphokin K, Prayong Meechaisue, Chinuntdej N, Chaimongkol D. The Influence of Knowledge Management, Safety Climate, and Information Technology Capabilities on a Smart Emergency Logistics System: A Study of BDMS Emergency Services. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 16];19(2):74. Available from:
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