Urine TB LAM as a Tool for Helping Diagnosis and Follow Up of Treatment Response of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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Sawang Saenghirunvattana
Thiti Sricharoenchai
Sirintip Sricharoenchai


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate role of urine Tuberculosis Lipoarabinomannam (TB LAM) in making a diagnosis among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) negative patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-six cases of HIV negative who were suspected of pulmonary tuberculosis were recruited, sputum examination of acid fast stain and culture, chest x-ray, urine TB LAM were sent, bronchoscopy and washing and biopsy were performed among 12 cases.

RESULTS: Thirty-six patients were finally diagnosed as tuberculosis. The sensitivity of urine TB LAM was 66.7%, specificity was 90%.

CONCLUSION: TB LAM should be used as an add-on to clinical judgement in combination with other tests. Keywords: urine TB LAM, pulmonary tuberculosis

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How to Cite
Saenghirunvattana S, Sricharoenchai T, Sricharoenchai S. Urine TB LAM as a Tool for Helping Diagnosis and Follow Up of Treatment Response of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. BKK Med J [internet]. 2023 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];19(2):92. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bkkmedj/article/view/263908
Original Article


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