Kratom Use and Health Literacy of Kratom for User: A Narrative Review

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Aussadawut Yothasupap
Sitthiphon Bunman
Aphicha Nomsiri


Kratom is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. The delisting of kratom as a narcotic in many countries has significantly increased its accessibility, leading to greater experimentation with its usage. The kratom has the potential for pain relief, euphoria, and addiction to opioids. However, misuse, especially through potent mixtures like 4×100, can lead to adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Responsible use and health literacy are crucial for addressing concerns and preventing misuse, emphasizing the need for accurate information on kratom’s traditional and modern applications. This review aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on the effects of kratom use, usage patterns, clinical care guidelines for kratom users, and health literacy related to kratom use. A searched Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Google scholar, Scopus, and Thailand journal citation index center databases using appropriate search strategies for each database. After the screening, all relevant studies were included. Improper usage of kratom can detrimentally impact users’ health, manifesting side effects akin to both stimulant and opioid consumption, such as tachycardia, blushing, anxiety, agitation, loss of appetite, and polyuria. Therefore, promoting health literacy is essential for individuals using kratom responsibly to ensure a better understanding of its potential risks and benefits.

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How to Cite
Yothasupap A, Bunman S, Nomsiri A. Kratom Use and Health Literacy of Kratom for User: A Narrative Review. BKK Med J [internet]. 2024 Feb. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];20(1):42. available from:
Reviews Article


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