The Pathway Project Mapping Tool-Assisting New Researchers in Writing Research Proposals

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Alicia K. Matthews
Miho Suzuki
Junko Tashiro
Chien-Ching Li
Karriem S. Watson
Sage J. Kim


The purpose of this article is to describe the Pathway Project Mapping Tool (PPMT). The PPMT was developed to assist all levels of students/trainees in planning for and obtaining consultation on their research proposals. In addition, it intended for use by faculty charged with advising student research projects. The PPMT is divided into 25 sections, which together provides a comprehensive checklist and road map for proposal planning. The PPMT was developed by actively reviewing the content of established nursing research textbooks. In this paper, we describe each section of the PPMT in detail with examples and suggested additional resources, where applicable.

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How to Cite
Matthews, A. K., Suzuki, M. ., Tashiro, J. ., Li, C.-C. ., Watson, K. S. ., & Kim, S. J. . (2020). The Pathway Project Mapping Tool-Assisting New Researchers in Writing Research Proposals. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 38(2), 4–18. retrieved from
Systematic Review


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