Factors Predicting Allergic Rhinitis Control in School–age Children

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Jaruwan Thaibandit
Apawan Nookong
Arunrat Srichantaranit


          Purpose: To examine the factors predicting allergic rhinitis control which were co-morbidity, self-management behaviors, caregiver’s management behaviors and caregiver’s health literacy.

          Design: The correlational predictive research design.

          Methods: The subject consisted of 124 pairs of caregivers and school-aged children with allergic rhinitis who were treated from Allergy clinics at two tertiary hospitals in Bangkok. The research instruments composed of 1) Demographic Data Questionnaire 2) Data Record Form 3) Children’s Management Behavior for Allergic Rhinitis Questionnaire 4) Caregiver’s Management Behavior for Allergic Rhinitis Questionnaire 5) Caregiver’s Health Literacy for Allergic Rhinitis Questionnaire and 6) Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test for Children (Thai version). Data were analyzed using logistic regression.

          Main findings: School-aged children with allergic rhinitis were classified in controlled level (71.8%) and uncontrolled level (28.2%). The model of self-management behaviors, caregiver-management behaviors and caregiver’s health literacy explained 33.5% of variance on allergic rhinitis control (Nagelkerke R2 = .34). The predictive factors of allergic rhinitis control were self-management behaviors and caregiver-management behaviors (OR = 1.09, 95%CI = 1.03, 1.15; OR = 1.07, 95%CI = 1.01, 1.14).

          Conclusion and recommendations: The self-management behaviors and caregiver’s management behaviors can significantly predict allergic rhinitis control in school-aged children. Therefore, health care team should organize the programs to promote child management behaviors and caregiver management behaviors, in order to achieve the goal of allergic rhinitis control.

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How to Cite
Thaibandit, J., Nookong, A., & Srichantaranit, A. . (2021). Factors Predicting Allergic Rhinitis Control in School–age Children. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 39(2), 36–49. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/244121
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