Quality Improvement Model for Early Childhood Development Center A Case Study of Child Development Center under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Yuwadee Pongsaranuntakul
Somsiri Rungamornarat
Apawan Nookong
Laddawan Supchareonmak


Purpose: To develop a model of quality improvement for early childhood development center under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA).

Design: Participatory action research implemented at one of BMA child development centers.

Method: Purposive sampling was used to recruit twelve persons including caregivers, parents, a community head, healthcare personnel and district officers. Data collection included review of related document, observation, in-depth interview, and focus group. The National Standard for Early Childhood Care, Development and Education Thailand was used as the core tool for participatory assessing the quality at three time points: prior to the project participation, at 4th month after starting the project, and at 9th month (ending the project). The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and content analysis.

Main findings: The model of quality improvement for early childhood development center consists of 6 steps: 1) self-assessment 2) empowerment for change 3) Revision for better results 4) Education and skills for early childhood care 5) Implementation 6) Improvement. The three-times outcomes showed the rise of scores in the following standards: Standard 1 Administration, from 26.9% to 51.3% and 76.9%; Standard 2 Teachers and Caregivers, from 11.7% to 18.3% and 68.3%; and Standard 3, Quality of Early Childhood, from 9.1% to 9.1% and 69.8%, respectively.

Conclusion and recommendations: Quality improvement rooted in the first 3 steps of participatory actions in self-assessment, empowerment for change, and revision for better results are essential stages for related persons to get ready for uplifting the quality of the center to achieve the sustainable standards. Healthcare personnel can be a part of the participatory development process resulting in the quality child care centers where preschool children receive a good care and have age-appropriate growth and development.

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How to Cite
Pongsaranuntakul, Y. ., Rungamornarat, S., Nookong, A. ., & Supchareonmak, L. . (2021). Quality Improvement Model for Early Childhood Development Center: A Case Study of Child Development Center under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 39(3), 91–105. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/248975
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