The Influence of Age, Knowledge, Beliefs, Support, and Access to Health Care on 6 -Week Exclusive Breastfeeding among Postpartum Hill-Tribe Mothers

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Paparwarin Wangdi
Wanna Phahuwatnakorn
Piyanun Limruangrong


Purpose: To investigating the predictive of age, breastfeeding knowledge, cultural beliefs, breastfeeding support, and access to health care on 6-week exclusive breastfeeding of postpartum hill-tribe mothers.

Design: Predictive correlational design.

Methods: The study sample consisted of 177 postpartum hill-tribe mothers at the Primary and Holistic section, Omkoi hospital, Chiang mai, and Mae Sariang hospital, Mae Hong Son. Demographic Characteristics Questionnaire, the Breastfeeding Knowledge Questionnaire, the Cultural Beliefs Questionnaire, the Breastfeeding Support Questionnaire, Access to Health Care Questionnaire, and Breastfeeding Interview were used to collect data. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Logistic Regression analysis.

Main findings: The study findings showed that age, breastfeeding knowledge, cultural beliefs, breastfeeding support, and access to health care could together statistically significantly predict on 6-week exclusive breastfeeding of postpartum hill-tribe mothers by 9% (p < .05, Nagelkerke R2 = .09). The only access to health care was the factor that could predict on 6-week exclusive breastfeeding of postpartum hill-tribe mothers (Exp(B) = 4.60, 95%CI = 1.07, 19.83, p < .05).

Conclusion and recommendations: According to the study findings, access to health care could help postpartum hill-tribe mothers’ success in exclusive breastfeeding. Therefore, nurse-midwives should advice and promote exclusive breastfeeding for postpartum hill-tribe mothers especially in increasing communication routes during breastfeeding problems.

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How to Cite
Wangdi, P., Phahuwatnakorn, W. ., & Limruangrong, P. (2022). The Influence of Age, Knowledge, Beliefs, Support, and Access to Health Care on 6 -Week Exclusive Breastfeeding among Postpartum Hill-Tribe Mothers. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 40(2), 1–16. retrieved from
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