Effects of Breastfeeding Promotion-Father’s Involvement Program on 1-month Exclusive Breastfeeding and Perceived Father’s Support among First-time Mothers
Main Article Content
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of breastfeeding promotion-father’s involvement program on the rate of 1-month exclusive breastfeeding and perceptions of father’s support among the first-time mothers.
Design: Quasi-experimental research, the posttest only control group design.
Methods: The study sample included 54 first-time mothers admitted to the postpartum unit at Phrachomklao Hospital, Phetchaburi Province. They were divided into control and experimental groups, with 27 participants in each group. The sample in the control group received only routine nursing care, whereas those in the experimental group received routine nursing care combined with breastfeeding promotion-father’s involvement program including provision of breastfeeding knowledge and practice, father’s participation of breastfeeding and child-rearing, and telephone follow-up for consultation. Data were collected using the personal data questionnaire, effective suckling assessment, breastfeeding problem interview form, feeding interview form and perceived father’s support questionnaire. Z test and independent t-test were used to analyze the data.
Main findings: The proportion of 1-month exclusive breastfeeding in the experimental group was significantly higher than those in the control group (z = 8.01; p < .001). Average scores of perceived father’s support were significantly higher in the experimental group than those in the control group (t = 11.40; p < .001).
Conclusion and recommendations: The breastfeeding promotion-father’s involvement program could increase 1-month exclusive breastfeeding in the first-time mothers and perception of father’s support. Therefore, nurses could apply this program to nursing practice. Furthermore, the program should be tested in other groups of mothers or setting.
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