Nursing Care Protocol for Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery amidst COVID-19 Outbreak Situation: From Evidence-Based Practice to Clinical Nursing Practice

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Naruebeth Koson
Pattaralanyaporn Yuwapongpipat
Nipaporn Juntratip
Piyatida Borvornsudhasin


         Currently, the pandemic situation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is spreading around the world and is becoming seriously critical. This situation affects health care systems that have to deal with the rising number of patients and limited medical resources. Patients who undergo cardiac surgery, whether in the pre-surgical or surgical phase, are therefore at higher risk of getting COVID-19 infection and increasing the severity of disease into a crisis. Nurses and medical personnel are the frontlines who play critical roles in assessing, screening, and caring for patients undergoing cardiac surgery both urgent and non-urgent to alleviate poor prognosis due to surgical delay.

         We reviewed evidence to present the knowledge of care protocol for patients undergoing cardiac surgery and patients with COVID-19 who need for cardiac surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. The nursing care protocol developed from evidence promotes better outcomes for patients, controls and prevents the spread of COVID-19, and provides safe practice for nurses and medical personnel.

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How to Cite
Koson, N., Yuwapongpipat, P., Juntratip, N., & Borvornsudhasin, P. . (2021). Nursing Care Protocol for Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery amidst COVID-19 Outbreak Situation: : From Evidence-Based Practice to Clinical Nursing Practice. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 40(1), 1–19. retrieved from
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