Factors Influencing Sexual Function among Male Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Post Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Main Article Content
Purpose: The research aimed to study the influence of disease severity, fear of movement, sexual knowledge and patient healthcare provider communication on sexual function of the male patients with acute coronary syndrome post percutaneous coronary intervention.
Design: Correlational predictive design.
Methods: The sample comprised 126 male patients with acute coronary syndrome post PCI at outpatient department in a super-tertiary hospital. Data were collected using questionnaires on demographic and illness data including disease severity, fear of movement, sexual knowledge, patient healthcare provider communication, and sexual function. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis.
Main findings: The results showed that 75.4% of the samples were adults. Mean age of the total sample was 55 years (SD = 8.48). Precisely 49.2% had moderate sexual function and 47.6% had high sexual function. Disease severity, fear of movement, sexual knowledge and patient healthcare provider communication were jointly explained 5.2 percent of variance of sexual function in male patients with acute coronary syndrome post PCI (adjusted R2 = .05). Disease severity (β = .19, p < .05) and fear of movement (β = - .18, p < .05) were only two significant factors influencing sexual function.
Conclusion and recommendations: Disease severity and fear of movement can influence sexual function. Hence, nurses and healthcare team should assess disease severity and fear of movement so as to manage fear of movement and advice the appropriate activities related to disease severity to promote sexual function of male patients with acute coronary syndrome post percutaneous coronary intervention.
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