Factors Predicting Intention to Exclusive Breastfeeding among Mothers with Elective Cesarean Section at a Private Hospital, Bangkok Metropolis
Main Article Content
Purpose: To study the intention to exclusive breastfeeding and the factors predicting the intention to exclusive breastfeeding among mothers with elective cesarean sections at a private hospital, Bangkok Metropolis.
Design: Correlational predictive design.
Methods: The sample was 150 mothers with elective cesarean section who were admitted to a private hospital, Bangkok Metropolis. Data were collected using demographic and obstetrics questionnaire, the Breastfeeding Intention Questionnaire, the Breastfeeding Attitude Questionnaire, the Breastfeeding Subjective Norm Questionnaire, and the Breastfeeding Perceive Behavioral Control Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Main findings: The subjects had a high level of intention to exclusive breastfeeding ( = 11.83, SD = 3.19). The factors significantly predicting the subjects’ intention to exclusive breastfeeding were breastfeeding experience (
= .48), breastfeeding attitude (
= .22), breastfeeding perceived behavioral control (
= .18), and breastfeeding subjective norm (
= .16). All of the study factors could account for 37.2% of the variance explained in the subjects’ intention to exclusive breastfeeding (R2 = .37; F(5.676) = 24.43, p < .001).
Conclusion and recommendations: Postpartum nurses should assess breastfeeding experience, breastfeeding attitude, breastfeeding received behavioral control, and breastfeeding subjective norm. These factors should be promoted through developing a nursing program to promote intention to exclusive breastfeeding so as to increase 6-month exclusive breastfeeding rate among mothers with elective cesarean section in a private hospital.
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