Efficiency of Teaching and Learning Using Collaborative Learning via Online for Nursing Students
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Purpose: To study academic achievement by comparing scores on formative assessment and summative assessment, efficiency and satisfaction of teaching and learning in lessons for nursing care during labor using collaborative learning via online for nursing students.
Design: Quasi-experimental research, one-group pretest-posttest design.
Methods: The sample consisting of 272 students of Bachelor of Nursing Science Program, Year 3, Academic Year 2021 were taught nursing care during labor by using the concept of collaborative learning via online system. The concept consisted of 4 steps; 1) pre-instructional decisions, 2) explain task and collaborative structure, 3) monitor and intervene, and 4) assessment and analysis of the learning process. Paired t-test was used to compare the scores between formative and summative assessments. The efficiency of teaching and learning using collaborative learning via online was calculated using E1/E2; and satisfaction was analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Main findings: Upon the completion of teaching and learning using collaborative learning via online, the summative scores were higher than the formative assessment scores (p < .001). The efficiency of teaching and learning was 83.44/85.56 which is higher than the criteria of 80/80. The overall satisfaction towards the teaching and learning was at a high level ( = 4.32, SD = .76)
Conclusion and recommendations: Teaching and learning using collaborative learning via online is efficient and promote the students 21st century skills for collaboration, teamwork and leadership resulting in better academic achievement. Thus, the concept of collaborative learning should be used in other lessons or subjects and compared its efficiency with other concepts of teaching and learning.
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