Factors Influencing Postpartum Follow-Up for Diabetes Screening in Mothers with a History of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Main Article Content
Purpose: To examine the influence of parity, attitude towards gestational diabetes, classification of gestational diabetes, social support, service satisfaction, and health insurance on returning for postpartum diabetes screening among mothers with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus.
Design: Predictive research design.
Methods: The study subjects included postpartum mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes who was admitted after delivery at the postpartum ward in a university hospital, Bangkok. Data were collected using the demographic information questionnaire, the attitude toward gestational diabetes questionnaire, the social support questionnaire, and the satisfaction toward services questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, and binary logistic regression were used to analyze data.
Main findings: The study found that the parity, attitude toward gestational diabetes, classification of gestational diabetes, social support, service satisfaction, and health insurance could together account for 37.3 % (R2 = .37) of the variance explained in the postpartum follow-up screening for diabetes in mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus. The attitude toward gestational diabetes mellitus (OR = 15.67, 95%CI [3.42, 71.86]) and Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme (OR = 8.69, 95%CI [1.38, 54.66]) could significantly predict postpartum follow-up screening for diabetes in the mothers (p < .05).
Conclusion and recommendations: The attitude towards gestational diabetes mellitus and Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme could predict postpartum follow-up for diabetes screening in mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus. Therefore, positive attitude toward gestational diabetes mellitus should be established among the mothers and promote policies regarding accessibility to health insurance that covers postpartum diabetes screening.
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