The Self-efficacy in Infant Care Scale: An Item Analysis

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Tassanee Prasopkittikun
Fongcum Tilokskulchai


Purpose: The Self-efficacy in Infant Care Scale (SICS) was developed using self-efficacy theory and literature related to infant care as a framework for tool development. In a previous study, primary psychometric properties of the SICS were acceptable. The purpose of this study was to revise the question items and determine psychometric properties of the revised SICS using item analysis.

Design: A survey design with qualitative interviewing.

Methods: Through convenience sampling, the sample finally consisted of 235 mothers with full-term infants who received immunizations at Samutsakorn Hospital. Data were collected using interviewing and one self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’ s product moment correlation coefficients, and Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient were used for the data analysis.

Main findings: Most (61.36%) of the items had item means > 70, when possible maximum scores were 100. An average of inter-item correlations was 0.41 for the total scale. Examination of the correlation matrix revealed that 834 of the 946 correlations (88.16%) were within a good range of 0.30 to .70. The corrected item-to-total scale correlations met the criterion level by ranging from 0.46 to 0.73. The subscale-total scale correlations were too high with a range from 0.81 to 0.91. The reliability of the entire scale was 0.96.

Conclusion and recommendations: The findings suggest that the items with high item means should be revised by adding more task difficulty so that the mothers’ capabilities will be challenged.

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How to Cite
Prasopkittikun, T., & Tilokskulchai, F. (2011). The Self-efficacy in Infant Care Scale: An Item Analysis. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(3), 43–51. retrieved from
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