The Development of a Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Preparation of Caregivers of Patients with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)

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Rungnapha Khiewchaum
Orapan Thosingha
Prangtip Chayaput
Ketsarin Utriyaprasit


The purpose of this study was the development of a clinicalnursing practice guideline (CNPG) for preparation of caregivers ofpatients with TBI (traumatic brain injury) using the IOWA model. Theestablishment of CNPG was done from the analysis of problemknowledge and patient observation. By searching databases andchecking reference lists, 29 related research literature were selected.These studies were analyzed and synthesized to develop a preparationof caregivers of patients with TBI, which included two phases. Theclinical nursing practice guideline was validated by five experts and wasrevised according to the experts’ comments and suggestions. CNPGwas tested on five sample of patients with TBI in the intensive care unitof Rayong hospital. Study results revealed that the established CNPGwas able to aid in preparing caregivers of patients with TBI.

It is recommended that the CNPG should be carried out todetermine its effectiveness and to continue further development thisguideline should be integrated into routine practice for nurses andhealthcare team members.

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How to Cite
Khiewchaum, R., Thosingha, O., Chayaput, P., & Utriyaprasit, K. (2012). The Development of a Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Preparation of Caregivers of Patients with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(1), 18–25. Retrieved from
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