The Effect of the Four Paths of Accomplishment Program on Intrinsic Motivation for Smoking Cessation

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Thanida Khongsamai


Purpose: This research was aimed at studying the effect of the FourPaths of Accomplishment Program on intrinsic motivation for smokingcessation.

Design: Quasi – experimental research design.

Methods: All 48 participants were male employees of BumrungradInternational Hospital. They had been smoking more than one cigaretteper day for more than one year. Recruited volunteers, 24 persons pergroup who met our inclusion criteria were selected using conveniencesampling. They were then assigned to either an experimental group, ora control group. Intrinsic motivation was measured before and afterimplementing the program. The experimental group participated inthe program seven times over a period of 21 days. The control groupled their lives normally. Data were analyzed using descriptive statisticsand intrinsic motivation scores were compared using dependent andindependent t-tests.

Main findings: The results indicated that the mean score of intrinsicmotivation for participants in the experimental group after receivingthe Four Paths of Accomplishment program ( = 169.92, SD = 3.13)was statistically higher than before receiving the program ( = 165.75,SD = 14.71, p < .05). In addition after intervention, the mean score ofintrinsic motivation of the experimental group ( = 169.92, SD = 3.13)was statistically higher than that of the control group ( = 162.58, SD= 12.45, p < .05). Including the rate of reducing the number of smokersto stop smoking, and higher than the control group.

Conclusion and recommendations: This study showed that thisprogram could enhance intrinsic motivation. Therefore, the programshould be a strategy for changing behavior of persons who aredetermined to quit smoking at a smoking cessation clinic.

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How to Cite
Khongsamai, T. (2011). The Effect of the Four Paths of Accomplishment Program on Intrinsic Motivation for Smoking Cessation. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(1), 63–72. retrieved from
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