Factors Related to the Use of Cervical Cancer Screening Services by Women Living in Catchments Area of Primary Care Units

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Jiraporn Sripiboonbat
Kanokporn Moopayak


Purpose: This study was aimed to investigate women’s use of cervical cancer screening services and the relationships of predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors with women’s use of cervical cancer screening services.

Design: Descriptive research.

Methods: The sample was composed of 188 women aged 35 – 60 years who lived in the catchment area of primary care units in Muang District, Nakhon Sawan Province during July to August, 2006. Data were collected at the sample’s home with a self – administed questionnaire and were then analyzed with descriptive statistical methods, chi-square, and odd ratios.

Main findings: It was found that among the 188 women, 52.7 percent had used cervical cancer screening services and 47.3 percent had not used of the screening services. The sample expressed a high level of knowledge about cervical cancer, a moderate level attitude toward the screening, a high level of perceived susceptibility to cervical cancer, a moderate level of perceived severity of cervical cancer and a moderate level of perceived benefits of following advice for the prevention of cervical cancer. Factors that were significantly related to cervical cancer screening at the statistic of level p < .05 were predisposing factors concerning knowledge about cervical cancer (OR = 1.97, 95% CI 1.09 – 3.54), attitude toward cervical cancer screening (OR = 2.74, 95% CI 1.49 – 5.05), perceived benefits of following advice for prevention of cervical cancer (OR = 4.16, 95% CI 2.24 – 7.77), and an enabling factor concerning distance from home to primary care units (OR = 2.46, 95% CI 1.23 – 4.94).


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How to Cite
Sripiboonbat, J., & Moopayak, K. (2011). Factors Related to the Use of Cervical Cancer Screening Services by Women Living in Catchments Area of Primary Care Units. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(2), 82–92. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/2820
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