The Relationships among Knowledge of Glaucoma, Perceived Susceptibility, Received Information and Preventive Behavior of Glaucoma in Population at Risk

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Ratiporn Khamthung
Nantawon Suwonnaroop
Naris Kitnarong
Nantiya Watthayu


Purpose: To investigate the relationships of knowledge of glaucoma, perceived susceptibility, received information, and preventive behavior for glaucoma in a population at risk.

Design: Descriptive correlational design.

Methods: The sample was 40 years old and over. The total sample of 174 who participated in this study were selected by convenience sampling from people who visited the health care service at the primary care unit in Muang district, Samutsakhon province, Thailand. Data were collected through interview and analyzed using percentages, means, standard deviations, and Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Main fining: The results showed that the mean for preventive behavior (X = 2.10, SD = 0.43) and knowledge of glaucoma (X = 7.27, SD = 2.11) were at a moderate level, perceived susceptibility (X = 3.10, SD = 0.34) was at a high level and received information (X = 1.21, SD = 0.28) was at a low level. Knowledge of glaucoma, perceived susceptibility, and received information were all positively associated with preventive behavior for glaucoma (r = .174, p < .05; r = .238, p < .01; r = .422, p < .01, respectively).

Conclusion and recommendations: This study suggests that nurses and other healthcare providers should promote health preventive behavior for glaucoma and organize activities to disseminate information on glaucoma in the population at risk. The sources of information on glaucoma should be developed. Appropriate types of media should be utilized to serve people in the local community, in order to raise awareness about performing preventive health behaviors for each individual, group, and community.

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How to Cite
Khamthung, R., Suwonnaroop, N., Kitnarong, N., & Watthayu, N. (2011). The Relationships among Knowledge of Glaucoma, Perceived Susceptibility, Received Information and Preventive Behavior of Glaucoma in Population at Risk. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(2), 93–101. Retrieved from
Research Papers


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