The Effect of Early Goal-Directed Nursing Intervention on Severity of Organ Failure in Patients with Sepsis Syndrome

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Pensri Onswadipong
Krongkan Sungkard
Sasima Kusuma Na Ayuthya
Yong Rongrungruan


Purpose: To assess efficacy of the goal-directed nursing intervention within the first six hours compared with the routine nursing care in the patients with sepsis syndrome.

Design: The quasi-experimental research.

Methods: The sample consisted of medical patients with sepsis syndrome and had been admitted to the medical unit and intensive care unit at Lerdsin hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. Seventy patients were recruited and assigned to a control or intervention group by using a simple random sampling technique. The Intervention group received early goal-directed nursing intervention, while the control group received routine nursing care. The research instrument guideline were collected through 1) The early goal-directed nursing intervention within the first six hours in the patients with sepsis syndrome. 2) The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment “SOFA”. The Mann-Whitney U Test method was used to analyze the data.

Main findings: The results revealed within 48 hours that levels of severity of organ failure in the early goal-directed nursing intervention group were significantly lower than in the control group (p < .05). Patients’ complication in the intervention group was 11% lower, mortality rate was 2.86% lower when compared with the control group.

Conclusion and recommendations: The findings of this study suggest that patients with sepsis syndrome may benefit from early goal-directed nursing intervention. It can help reduce the severity of organ failure, complication and mortality rate. The researcher suggests that nurses as well as other health care personnel should use the early goal-directed nursing intervention to patients with sepsis syndrome.

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How to Cite
Onswadipong, P., Sungkard, K., Kusuma Na Ayuthya, S., & Rongrungruan, Y. (2011). The Effect of Early Goal-Directed Nursing Intervention on Severity of Organ Failure in Patients with Sepsis Syndrome. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(2), 102–110. retrieved from
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