The Effects of Utilizing Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Prevention of Perineal Dermatitis in Neurological Patients with Urinary Incontinence

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Usanee Kaewkab
Wallada Chanruangvanich
Orapan Thosingha
Suporn Danaidutsadeekul


Purpose: The purposes of this experimental research were to test effects of clinical nursing practiceguidelines (CNPG) for prevention of perineal dermatitis in neurological patients with urinaryincontinence.

Design: Experimental research.

Methods: The samples included 64 neurological female patients with urinary incontinence whoadmitted at neurosurgery ward, Siriraj Hospital. The experimental group received the CNPG and thecontrol group received routine nursing care. The data were collected by using the general data collectioninstrument for patients and the Visual Grading Scale to assess the severity of dermatitis and dermatitis–free periods. The data were analyzed using t-test and binary univariate logistic.

Main findings: The results revealed that the experimental group had a lower incidence rate andseverity of perineal dermatitis than the control group and a longer dermatitis–free periods than thecontrol group with statistical significance (p < .01). The probability of perineal dermatitis in theexperimental group was equal to 0.05 times compared with the control group (OR = 0.05, 95% CI =0.01-0.18). In addition, the experimental group had an incidence rate of perineal dermatitis of 12.5%;the mean score of severity of perineal dermatitis was 0.31 (SD = .99); and the dermatitis–free period was5.91 days (SD = .53). The control group had an incidence rate of perineal dermatitis of 75 %; the meanscore of severity of perineal dermatitis was 2.03 (SD = 1.42); and the dermatitis–free period was 4.41days (SD = 1.46).

Conclusion and recommendations: The study suggests the benefits of using the CNPG. Nursingstaffs and stakeholders should consider using the CNPG in providing care to neurological patients withurinary incontinence to improve quality of nursing care.

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How to Cite
Kaewkab, U., Chanruangvanich, W., Thosingha, O., & Danaidutsadeekul, S. (2012). The Effects of Utilizing Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Prevention of Perineal Dermatitis in Neurological Patients with Urinary Incontinence. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(4), 37–45. retrieved from
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