Predictors of License Examination of New Graduates in 2010, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University

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Yuwadee Wattananon
Vachira Vonnasathid
Vilavan Duanglomchan
Chaveewan Sarakong
Wantin Yingpattanapon


Purpose: To identify predictors of 2010 license examination result of new graduates at the Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University.

Design: Descriptive study


The sample comprised 239 new graduates from bachelor of nursing program. Tools used in this study were: the Opinion and Stress on License Examination Questionnaire; the data record sheet of GPA and a comprehensive examination.

Main findings:

Just over 98% of subjects indicated they were affected by the comprehensive examination arranged by Faculty of Nursing for license examination and 89.12 % of them expressed stress during preparation for license examination set by Thai Nursing Council. Significant factors affecting the license examination were comprehensive examination of Faculty of Nursing and the grade point average (GPA) (p< .01). The predicting equation of license examination result held by Thai Nursing Council was = 5.559 + 0.231 comprehensive examination result + .244 GPA

Conclusion and recommendations:

Administrators of educational institutes should set policy and methods to better prepare students to be ready for the license examination so as to increase number of students who pass all subjects on the first examination. Sharing knowledge among students who pass and fail the license examination is necessary to decrease stress during their preparation.

Article Details

How to Cite
Wattananon, Y., Vonnasathid, V., Duanglomchan, V., Sarakong, C., & Yingpattanapon, W. (2011). Predictors of License Examination of New Graduates in 2010, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(2), 65–72. Retrieved from
Research Papers
Author Biographies

Yuwadee Wattananon

Vachira Vonnasathid

Vilavan Duanglomchan

Chaveewan Sarakong

Wantin Yingpattanapon


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