Rapid Assessment and Response: The Context of HIV/AIDS and Adolescents in Bangkok

Main Article Content

Nantiya Watthayu
Jennifer Wenzel
Ratree Sirisreetreeru
Chayathit Sangprasert
Nuntiga Wisettanakorn


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to implement and evaluate the Rapid Assessment and Response (RAR) method of assessing HIV/AIDS risk-taking behaviors among adolescents in Thailand. Design:This community-based participatory research was designed in partnership with a community working group (CWG) consisting of local leaders, public health and social services providers.

Article Details

How to Cite
Watthayu, N., Wenzel, J., Sirisreetreeru, R., Sangprasert, C., & Wisettanakorn, N. (2011). Rapid Assessment and Response: The Context of HIV/AIDS and Adolescents in Bangkok. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(3), 28–35. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/945
Research Papers
Author Biographies

Nantiya Watthayu

Jennifer Wenzel

Ratree Sirisreetreeru

Chayathit Sangprasert

Nuntiga Wisettanakorn


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