Caregivers’ Management for Children with Asthma

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Apwan Nookong
Sudaporn Payakkaraung
Yuwadee Pongsaranuntakul
Siriwan Chudapongse


Purpose: To examine caregivers’ management for children with asthma.

Design: Descriptive study.

Methods: A sample of 287 caregivers of children with asthma was recruited by conveniencesampling. Data were collected using the Caregiver Management Questionnaire containing 29 items with5-point rating scale and 5 open-ended questions; and were analyzed using Pearson’s product momentcorrelation coefficient and content analysis.

Main findings: The results revealed that the mean age of caregivers was 41.35 years, family incomewas 22,031.01 bath/month. Average months of experience in care for children with asthma was 81.35months. Caregivers often performed asthma management for their children (X = 3.07, SD = .55) withthe highest score found in the communication subscale (X = 3.46, SD = .69), and the lowest inmedication adherence subscale (X = 2.25, SD = .98). Family income and caregivers’ education weresignificantly related to caregivers’ management (r = .173, p = .003; and r = .169, p = .004, respectively).Caregivers’ experience about problems in care for children with asthma was presented in 4 themes asfollows: 1) medication adherence, 2) environmental management, 3) asthma symptoms monitoring andattacks management, and 4) communication. The problem found most in care for the asthmaticchildren was environmental management (69.92%), followed by medication adherence (28.57%).

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How to Cite
Nookong, A., Payakkaraung, S., Pongsaranuntakul, Y., & Chudapongse, S. (2013). Caregivers’ Management for Children with Asthma. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 30(1), 49–60. retrieved from
Research Papers