Innovation of External Ventricular Drainage “SMART POINT EVD"

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ไพรจิตร จันทร์เสถียร


Ventriculostomy is drainage of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from the ventricles to an external.  The method is to insert the catheter though the hole that on the upper of skull to inside of the brain.  This catheter is connected with a long line to the transfer bag in order to reduce the pressure in the skull. Setting the CSF drop level not accurate according to the treatment plans. For example, Hydrocephalus and Increase Intracranial Pressure are usually caused when setting the drop level is higher than normal. But, if the drop level is lower than normal, causing the CSF drain out quickly. This may have caused Brain Herniation and Level of conscious decreased. In addition, adjusting the correct level of CSF drop when moving or adjusting the patient’s bed according to the treatment plans. “SMART POINT EVD”, this innovation improvement is for the correct setting of CSF drop level. As a result the patients are safe from Brain Herniation and Increase Intracranial Pressure. “SMART POINT EVD” is easy to install and to use because, it includes a laser pointer and a clear scale ruler to makes the level more accurately.

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