Lesson learned: Development of smoke-free Manufactories

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อรวรรณ ฆ้องต้อ
ส่องแสง ธรรมศักดิ์


Thailand National Quitline (TNQ) is an organization, offering tobacco cessation service by health professionals for Thai smoker since 2009. In year 2016-2017, TNQ began to perform the tobacco cessation alliance with manufactories, aimed to increase reach, and accessibility to effective tobacco cessation service for intends to treat manufactory workforce, and, thus, increasing quit rate.

This lesson learned from Tobacco Cessation Alliance, between TNQ and manufactories, aimed to evaluate and analyze the facilitating factors associated with success in Tobacco Cessation Alliance project.  It was found that there were five factors that associated with success in Tobacco Cessation Alliance namely; 1) Concerning of tobacco control of manufactory, 2) Creating Tobacco-free environment in manufactory, 3) Integrating tobacco control into routine health care, 4) Motivation and Reward for intent to treat smokers, and 5) Referral system and follow up

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Review Article


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