Artificial Intelligence: Go to the Golden Age of Intelligent Brain

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สุพล พรหมมาพันธุ์
ปรีชา ตั้งเกรียงกิจ
สิริรัตน์ มัชฌิมาดิลก


Now we hear the word "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) more and more, because technology has moved forward rapidly. Artificial Intelligence is a line of science and technology that stands on the principles of Computer Science, Biology, Psychology, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Engineering. The purpose of artificial intelligence is to develop a computer that can think, see, hear, walk and feel just like humans. Another meaning is to imitate the individuality of human to make computer work similarly. The examples are reason, learning and problem solving, etc. According to Wiki encyclopedia, the meaning of artificial intelligence is refer to the artificial intelligence created for the machine. Artificial Intelligence is learning about the process of thinking, acting, reasoning, adaptation, or inferencing the brain. Initially Artificial Intelligence is the domain area in computer science. However many ideas in AI are derived from other domains and algorithms, such as (1) Learning the decision tree. This algorithm uses the techniques of John Smith's famous English philosopher, and (2) Neural networks. It is mimic working of the human brain for solving classification problems and other statistical problems, such as regression analysis or curvature adjustment


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