A Study of Relationship of Stress and Qualityof Sleep of Air Force Student Nurses, Royal Thai Air Force Nursing College, Academic year 2018

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Luckana Panitchasan, RN., M.N.S.
Jarunya Sriwichai
Chatpimon Thanusri
Nichakan Saengchan
Titaya Yimpenyuang
Preeyaporn Simking
Sutthirak Bubpawong
Supansa Injumnong


Objective : This research aimed to study stress levels, quality of sleep, and relationship of stress and quality of sleep of Air Force Student Nurses, Royal Thai Air Force Nursing College, Academic year 2018.

Material and Method : This descriptive research was conducted using a stratified random sample of 142 Air Force Student Nurses. Data collection was divided into 4 parts which were demographic data, social characteristics questionnaire, Stress Model of Mental Health Assessment (SPST-20), and Stress Model Assessment and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality questionnaire (Thai version). Data were analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation. Relation of Stress level and Sleep quality were analyzed by Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

Results : The results revealed stress level of Air Force student Nurses mostly found in the medium level 47.89 %. The quality of sleep showed that 99.3 percent was poor. The finding indicated that stress and quality of sleep were positively correlated (r = 0.394) with statistically significant (p < 0.01)

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