Case Report : Flavonoid Induce Hematomertra in Postmenopausal Women in Chandrubeksa Hospital, RTAF.

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Schwinn S. MD


A 69 years old postmenopausal women presented to the Chandrubeksa Hospital with abnormal vaginal bleeding of three days’s duration amount of blood was few milliliters. She had been menopausal since 19 years ago and had never used hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Her underlying diseases are Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Hemorrhoid. She received medications for Hypertension and Dyslipidemia from Chandrubeksa Hospital but she take diosmin + hesperidin by herself few capsules daily for few years. Physical examination revealed a normal size uterus with mild tender, adnexa free no mass. Transvaginal sonographic found uterus size 4.28*4.03*3.32 centimeters with hypoechogenic content 2.49*2.04*1.77 centimeters in uterus. Endometrial aspirator was applied and drain brown liquid content 5 mL from uterus and pathological diagnosis are; presence of mild degree of acute and chronic inflammatory process, no endometrial element seen, no carcinoma seen. Diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding in this patient is diosmin (flavonoid) induce hematometra in postmenopausal women. Many of flavonoids are stimulant for estrogen receptor alpha on endometrial cells, also flavonoids use in postmenopausal women should be under physicians decisions to prevent abnormal uterine bleeding side effects that mimic symptoms of endometrial carcinoma.

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Case Reports


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