Burnout Syndrome

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Srisakul Cheaplamp, Ph.D., RN.
Pennapa Dangdomyouth, Ph.D., RN.


Burnout syndrome is a state in which people got suppressed by pressure from long term hard work and anxiety.  This sickness causes patients both physical and mental problems, showing 3 main symptoms such as; 1) Emotional fatigue and loss of mental energy, 2) Having a negative work performance and lack off a successful feeling concerning their job performance or field of work, 3) Having a negative view on their workplace relationship or feeling isolated from colleagues. The World Health Organization (WHO) has

classified burnout syndrome as a mental health problem that must be retained and categorized it into ICD10 (International Classification of Diseases).  Burnout syndrome shows mental health warning signals in the form of sadness, depress, anger, unstable emotions and unsatisfaction in the workplace. Burnout syndrome also affects the patient’s thoughts such as having negative views on colleagues and work, paranoid, blaming the problem on others, doubting their individual work performance and trying to escape problems. Lastly, Burnout syndrome affects patients’ personal habits such as impulsive acts, inability to finish an assignment on time, having fewer pleasant activities, being late for work and having poor time management. They can perform self-evaluation by using the Maslach Burnout syndrome test. After they translated the score, they should check the results to see if their emotional fatigue and ignoring work rate are excessively high, which would show that they are suffering from Burnout syndrome. They should follow these steps to recover as soon as possible such as ; controlling stress, consider the pros and cons of quitting their job, finding the true objective of living, planning for their objective, and living their daily life with happiness.  

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